Report Abuse

Abuse Policy and Abuse Report Form

The same way we take exceptional care in order to respect our customers privacy we treat very seriously all abuse rerports concerning services we provide. To avoid erroneous or intentionally false reports and determine whether someone's rights or Infinitium's Terms and Conditions have been violated, we will record your IP address and carefully review all received complaints.

We have a zero tolerance spam policy and we monitor the use of our systems and services to ensure that they are not used for the purpose of sending unsolicited email messages. Please, use this form to submit any issue regarding spam activities, ilegal activities, ilegal content, abuse activities and copyright infringements derived from the use of our systems and services. Your message will be evaluated and we will act in consideration, therefore, we reserve the right to use your notice to substantiate the abuse of our customers. Please note that due to the volume of complaints received, unless we need additional information, you will not receive a reply about us but take in account that we take abuse very seriously and we will investigate every incident that be reported.

Submit your complaint

Please, provide as much information as possible to help us to reach the origin of the complaint. You will need to provide at least the offending domain name, IP address or email account regarding to the complaint being reported. Any complaint that does not provide us such basic information required to proceed with further investigations will be automatically discarded.

Abuse Report Form

    If applicable, we will forward a copy of the complaint to the account holder of the website, domain or other kind of service we proide. If you require your complaint to remain anonymous, please inform us of this. It is within our sole discretion whether to enforce our Terms and Conditions in response to any particular complaint. If we do not act, it is not considered a waiver of any right to do so in the future. Please note, the information provided here does not represent legal advice and is for informational purposes only. You may need to obtain professional legal advice for certain types of complaints.